Training for funded partners

A programme of online training events by People’s Health Trust for funded partners is taking place over the rest of 2024 in partnership with the Directory of Social Change (DSC). All sessions are free to attend for any staff, volunteers or trustees from funded organisations.

The programme was informed by feedback from our funded partners on the areas that are most important to them and focusses on training staff about finance, improved mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and communications and branding.

Communications and Branding sessions will cover social media, key messages, identifying audiences and making the most of online resources. These skills can help organisations implement a successful communications strategy to engage stakeholders. Fundraising with Digital Marketing Sessions will also cover communications channels, optimized for seeking donations.

Data storytelling includes the evidence used to convince people that an organisation’s activity has genuine impact. Visual presentations of quantitative or qualitative data are proven to be particularly effective at engaging audiences. Participants will learn techniques for creating engaging data communications for reports, slide decks, websites or social media.

Finance for non finance managers is aimed at upskilling members of an organisation to understand and organise a budget. The sessions will include how to create a budget, understanding where a budget fits into the wider picture of a charity’s finances and learning the obligations and best practices for charity finance.

Avoiding Burnout sessions are designed to improve and support the mental health of staff and volunteers. Participants will learn effective methods for active listening and assessing staff wellbeing as well as delivering effective feedback and navigating difficult situations.

People’s Health Trust is working with the DSC to deliver the programme of events. DSC has over 40 years’ experience providing training and resources to charities and their trainers have worked with thousands of organisations.

This training programme follows on from sessions delivered earlier this year focusing on Safeguarding, Strategic planning and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Max Rutherford, Director of Grants Programmes said “This programme of training is an important part of our funding partnership offer. We listened to what our partners told us was most important to them when developing it and through it we are aiming to provide staff and volunteers at our funded partners with support and opportunities for professional development.”

Find out more about the programme of events and register on our training page.

For more on DSC, please see their website.