The drop-in was open every weekday morning at a community space in Bridgend called the Zone. Members could pop in regularly for a coffee and chat, building a sense of community among people with a range of different life experiences.

Some local members became volunteers – taking ownership of the centre by making cakes and serving in the café, helping with the garden, or welcoming new members. Purposeful activity like this makes it easier to build friendships as well as confidence, self-esteem and even employability.

Project workers were on hand to mentor these member volunteers. Peer support was important, too, as members suggested, started and led different support groups. These included ‘Friends and Neighbours’, ‘Crafty and Creative’, art therapy, a veterans group and ‘Warriors’ (a group for people with learning difficulties and their families).

Over time, the Zone developed partnerships with the wider community, in particular with Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) who referred vulnerable people to the drop-in, and did outreach work there.

People support you a lot and you can give support as well. It’s very inclusive, no-one’s looked at for any sort of disability. You’re seen for who you are.


Funded by People's Health Trust using money raised by Health Lottery Wales.