Organised by African Lanarkshire for Mental Health, the project provides spaces for young people to learn how to play music and improve their mental health.

The project supports children and teenagers from families of African origin in North Lanarkshire. It is organised by the charity African Lanarkshire for Mental Health.
Sessions for young people to learn to play music
North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Youth Wellbeing Out of Covid supports young people from African backgrounds in communities in North Lanarkshire through teaching music and providing a space for people to socialise.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, many young people in the area became isolated without regular contact with their friends. A consequence was mental health problems, and the project, which was designed by young people, aims to give local young people a space to reconnect as well as to receive mental health support.
Through weekly two-hour sessions, young people in the community can come to the project to learn instruments such as guitar, keyboard and drums. The project also organises studio time for members who want to learn to make beats, and there are workshops on poetry and lyric writing. Allowing members to express themselves musically acts as mental health support.
At the end of each session time is taken for members to come together and talk about how they feel and any problems they may have. Other members can provide peer support and project leaders offer advice.
The project supports improved mental health for young people and helps them develop skills through which they can express themselves.
When young people leave this project, we want to see them go out there and thrive. We want them to do what they do best.
Erasme Kokonge
Project Leader