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Why People’s Health Trust?

People in Great Britain are dying too young because of where they live, or who they are. It’s not okay that people living in poverty, people living in poor housing, people with low paid jobs or facing discrimination have shorter lives. We want to make health equal.

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Partner with us to stop people dying too young

We support local groups who are tackling the causes of poor health for the most marginalised people, but there are many more who we can’t support. Partner with us locally or nationally to support life-changing community projects and create long-term change.

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Three people attending Activating Creative Talent CIC's Youth Talent project

People’s Health Trust supports life changing projects

We are making an impact across Great Britain to stop people dying too young

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people reached

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9 in 10

made strong social connections

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2 in 3

improved mental health and wellbeing

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Change NHS

People’s Health Trust is calling for primary prevention to be at the heart of a strategy surrounding the new NHS Ten-Year Plan. Our response to the Change NHS consultation was informed by our network of experts by experience.

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Front cover of 2024 Annual review

Annual review 2024

People’s Health Trust’s Annual Review for 2023/24 is now available, showing stories of the significant impact we and our funded partners are making to improve people’s lives and health.

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Nature for Health

Our investment of half a million pounds as part of the Trust’s Nature for Health priority is funding 16 projects across England and Scotland, supporting people who have mental health problems and who experience socio-economic disadvantage, discrimination and marginalisation.

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