Working from home? Donate your saved commute to a community

People’s Health Trust is asking supporters to donate a saved commute to support a local community.

During the pandemic, many of us who are able to do our jobs from home have spent the last six months working from home. We’ve made make-shift desks, or cleared off our cluttered dining tables and propped laptops up with books.

By working from home, many of us have managed to save a bit of money on our commutes. By not travelling into work, many people are saving over an estimated £5.00-£7.00 a day.

This winter, we are asking those who have worked from home during the pandemic, to donate the money of just one saved commute to help us to support local communities to deliver food, distribute medications, translate coronavirus information, continue support groups, and much more.

Your commute can help support a community.

Commit a commute for a community today, donate now.


Please note, your donations will be used to support the Trust’s work in local neighbourhoods across Great Britain.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donations for a specific project or partner.

To read more news from the Trust, click here.