People’s Health Trust are pleased to once again work as part of the Health Foundation’s Collaboration for Wellbeing and Health, to share our thoughts and advice on what we can do now to support those in need during this time.
We are all affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, whether by the virus itself, government restrictions, or the economic uncertainty it is causing. Many of us are doing what we can to support others in our communities, by helping those who are unwell or cannot get out and about.
Sadly, we also know that there are many groups in society who will be hit harder by the outbreak: not only older people and those with underlying health conditions, but those who are vulnerable simply because they do not have the same opportunities to stay well.
These groups are at the sharp end of health inequalities – unjust and avoidable differences in people’s health - resulting from a lack of the things many of us take for granted: stable, well paid work, secure housing or a support network of friends and family to rely on.
In the article, our Chief Executive, John Hume, reflects on the importance of neighbourhood responses at this time:
“Ensuring people remain connected but physically distant is critical at this time. There is clear evidence that social connection is highly health protective: it provides valuable networks which in turn offer knowledge, particularly of hidden need and poverty, which can otherwise be missed. Funders such as People’s Health Trust must release the restrictions on our grants and trust the wisdom of local groups to determine what is needed in their neighbourhoods right now.
We know that neighbourhoods experiencing disadvantage are likely to be hit hardest by COVID-19 and therefore our support must be appropriate. It is critical that funders with close neighbourhood ties are listening carefully to the emerging challenges on the ground over the coming weeks, rather than assuming what needs to happen next. In this way, we can respond beyond emergency actions and plan for the medium term challenge this crisis will bring. By working closely with local and national government, we can represent neighbourhoods and ensure our support is useful to local communities.”
The full article gives advice and thoughts on; families living in poverty, black and minority ethnic communities, emotional wellbeing, the charity sector, the business community, widening health gaps, local government and health professionals, and features responses from; Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Race Equality Foundation, What Works Centre for Wellbeing, New Philanthropy Capital, Business in the Community, Healthy Lives, the Health Foundation, People’s Health Trust and the Institute of Health Equity.
Read the full article here
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