Moving On, run by local charity the Rainbow Sunshine Company, provided weekly creative workshop sessions for people with learning or physical disabilities. These regular music, dance and drama sessions led to shows for local audiences.

People with learning or physical disabilities took part in regular creative sessions run by the independent charity the Rainbow Sunshine Company.
Weekly creative workshop sessions.
Bedworth, Warwickshire
The Moving On project was organised by an independent volunteer-run charity, the Rainbow Sunshine Company. There was a wide age range in the group, which included young adults and people in their seventies.
Making friends can be hard for many disabled people, who often find themselves excluded from mainstream society. Some group members were very isolated, with little opportunity to speak to other people outside of their care worker or their family.
The project helped to break down those barriers by giving group members a chance to meet other people, have fun and make a meaningful contribution to a group activity. The volunteer-run sessions created a safe and encouraging space where each group member could shape the project based on their ideas, interests and abilities. This flexibility meant that everyone could participate, and contribute their own ideas on what they wanted to do, creating a sense of ownership.
Group members were able to develop new skills, whether social skills or creative skills. Through performances, they could express themselves, display their talents and break down misconceptions about disabled people.
It is very much their show and we just help to make it happen. It is their creation from a creative perspective.