Organised by SNaP Development, the project provides space and opportunities for young people to come for after school activities and learning, supporting the transition from primary to secondary school.

The project works with young people aged 10 to 17 and is organised by SNaP Development.
Weekly after school classes and activities and one to one support.
South Normanton and Pinxton, Derbyshire
SNaP Youth Services runs after school clubs for children in years six seven (aged 10 to 12), providing them with a space to come after school and dealing sensitively with issues its members might face in the transition from primary to secondary school.
The weekly after school club activities are informed by the needs and interests of its members, and provides activities including sports, art, drama and cooking.. Members with anxiety or mental health issues are supported through one to one youth support work.
Activities include walks, trips, picnics, board games, gaming and arts and crafts.
The project aims to increase confidence in its young members and teach them new skills or developing their existing talents.
Sessions run during term time and the project also runs holiday camps and activities.
“It’s all about helping young people to learn about themselves and their community so they can make informed choices."
Mandy Mangold
Project Lead