Tommy McIlravey: Trustee

image of Tommy McIlravey

Tommy has been a charity CEO for 14 years and currently serves in that role at Lancashire Mind, an independent mental health charity aligned to the wider Mind federation. Prior to that he was CEO of Sahir House, an award-winning charity providing services around HIV and sexual health across Merseyside and North Cheshire. He was the Founder of the Liverpool Pride festival and continues to maintain an interest in both supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people and people from refugee and asylum-seeking communities. He also has nearly 25 years’ experience as a charity trustee and non-executive director. He currently sits on the board of Plus Dane Housing, which provides homes for thousands of people across Merseyside and Cheshire. He also works as a freelance consultant, coach and trainer. This includes private work alongside assignments for both the King’s Fund and the Cranfield Trust. He specialises in advising other leaders in the third sector around a range of issues including strategy, culture, governance and marketing.

image of Tommy McIlravey

Trustees team

Paul Ballantyne
Paul Ballantyne

Trustee for Scotland

Andrew Bickerdike
Andrew Bickerdike


Leandra Box
Leandra Box


Jolynne De Souza
Jolynne De Souza

Shadow Trustee

Professor Elizabeth Dowler
Professor Elizabeth Dowler


Jenny Edwards CBE
Jenny Edwards CBE


Ranjeet Kaile
Ranjeet Kaile


Shelagh Kirkland ACA
Shelagh Kirkland ACA


Jackie Lodge
Jackie Lodge

Deputy Chair

Rory MacLean
Rory MacLean


Nicola McCallum
Nicola McCallum


Shavanah Taj
Shavanah Taj

Trustee for Wales